Every year we go to Mitch's parents house for Thanksgiving and his dad makes a Feast, even when, like this year, there are only five of us. It was delicious as always.

When we were leaving we saw this amazing car parked outside of Mitch's apartment and I had to get a picture with it, even if it meant people look at me strangely on the street.

My Outfit for the day:
I had wanted to make a dress but wasn't feeling good so I had another outfit planned. In the end Mitch insisted I wear the giant sequin one.
Dress: Got at a yard sale
Tights: TJ Maxx
Shoes: Thrifted

I decided to curl my hair for the occasion, forgetting what a pain (literally) to sleep on curlers. It turned out cute, so I made Mitch take a picture.
The Food
The Making of the Perogies:

The Pre-Turkey Feast aka The Reason I Can Never Eat My Turkey

Yummy stuffed mushrooms. I ended up eating about 10. Sooo tasty!

Keilbasa. I actually only had one slice because I was trying to save room for the turkey and because it's just not as good as my family's version (why grill it when you can smother it in ketchup, mustard, and brown sugar???)

The Best Part Of Thanksgiving. It's just mozzerella cheese, tomatos, and balsamic vinegar but it's just better on Thanksgiving. Soooo good. I'm blaming this on why I had no room for turkey.

Second reason why I had no room for turkey, the perogies. They are their, just covered by the delicious onions.
This is when we all took naps. So I'll break here and save the turkey/shopping post for later!