Thursday, May 7, 2009

Top Shop Stinks

Mainly because it is ridiculously overpriced and half of the clothes were described by Mitch as "grandmother clothes". There were a few highlights. I was excited to go shopping there and Mitch agreed to let me dress him ridiculously, yay! Here's the result:

And here's Mitch after I told him to pose:

And yes he is wearing a Mustachio t-shirt and those are Mustachio socks. Of course they only had them for boys, and he thought $30 and $6 respectively were too much. Which of course it is.
I also found this awesome awesome shoes.

Of course they were $55 and on those little plastic hanger things. Seriously, any shoes that come on those hanger things should be no more than $20. So I left without them.
The worst problem with Topshop. It's a few blocks away from ChinaTown which has almost the exact same jewelry and accessories for a tiny fraction of the price.

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